Our 25-year Anniversary

There is no easy path to celebrating 25 years in business, yet just one year after global brand parent Rosedale Products Inc celebrated its semicentenary (50 years) Rosedale Products Europe is pleased to be celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2023.

A lot has happened in the last 25 years, the economics of the world have changed substantially, new onus on environmental sustainability has risen, global politics have continued to shift, Brexit and Covid happened (let’s not say anymore) and we have lost some of the world’s most prolific historical names and figures. Yet thanks to our business planning and product commitment Rosedale Products continues to grow in strength.

Our 25th year begins on a strong footing for us here in Europe, we have spent much of the last year moving to combat supply chain issues faced by many in the industry and to overcome challenges created by the independence of the UK from Europe. Now manufacturing filtration media and systems here in the UK we are much stronger placed to support our European clients, thanks to tax benefits for UK manufactured goods travelling cross border. The United Kingdom’s newly re-found independence unexpectedly moves us into a strong trading position with the Middle East.

Very often in life, we fear change but resisting change doesn’t turn things in our favour and for 25 years we have overseen a constant state of change in where our products are used, ever less is the demand from the oil fields and ever-increasing is the demand from new technologies, sustainable power generation and waste-water applications. Ever increasing too is the demand from clients for automation, this has led to the expansion of our knowledgebase within control and monitoring technologies and integrating tertiary applications. 2019 saw the first-ever Rosedale Effluent Treatment Station with PH balancing, something we have now delivered for several clients to meet tightened wastewater requirements here in Europe and five years on from initial development our 25th year looks set for new innovations of the system and new similar system solutions, thanks to the continued increase in demand from clients for smaller capacity solutions.

So, to all our clients, past, present and those still waiting to discover us thank you for your support and loyalty for the first 25 and here’s to the next 25 together!